NAV Form Transformation Localizer

5. Februar 2010 21:40

Der NavFormTransformationLocalizer kopiert die CaptionML eines Page.xml Exports in die TransformPages.xml. Das hat den Vorteil, dass man aus dem TIF Tool heraus bereits sehen kann, ob beispielsweise eine Action lokalisiert ist und nicht erst nach der Transformation.

Rest in English. Bin einfach zu faul das zu übersetzen :)

This small tool copies the CaptionML values from a Page export (XML) into
"TransformPages.xml" to have localized CaptionML entries in your TIF Tool

Why this tool? Read below:

Recently I was asked about multilanguage captions in the Form Transformation

>Where are my localized strings in TransformPages.xml?<
>Hum... They should be contained in the file?!<
>No, they are not!<
>They will be inserted automatically from the Forms.xml!?<
>No, they wont!<
>Hum... Let me talk to some colleagues...<

Searched the web, internal resources, asking colleagues. Nothing!
Searched again... Nothing!

Some time later...

>I'm sorry, there are no captions available at all.<

One hour later...

Thought to myself: >It is not possible that there are no captions!!<

Looked into the FormTransformation folder. Got the config:

>What the hell is this "PageTranslations.txt"?<

Searched again. This time including the term "PageTranslations.txt" (harhar).
Found "Configuring the Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe.config File"

>Again this "PageTranslations.txt" bla bla. Where does it come from?<
>Oups... What is this unconsiderable article "How to: Create the PageTranslations.txt File"?<

Found it at There is
a note and a link somewhere in the middle of the "Understanding Form
Transformation Input Files" below chapter "MoveElements XML File". This article
was first mentioned in the July 2009 update of the NAV documentation. New for
NAV 2009 SP1. I must have missed it before...

>NARF!< (nonsensical interjection, see

However, this file is only used in the transformation process and the
multilanguage captions are not visible in the TIF Tool. You have no chance to
see if a Page Action comes from the standard application (and will be translated
automatically) or is a customization.

This small app is the cure! It copies the CaptionML values from an original Page
export (XML) into "TransformPages.xml".


- Copy NavFormTransformationLocalizer.exe including the config file to your form
transformation folder
- Open Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Tools.FormTransformation.exe.config and change the
value of key "TransformPages" from ".\TransformPages.xml" to
- Thats it!

How to use:

- Export all Pages from NAV Object Designer in XML format to the transformation
tool folder. Name it "Pages.xml"
- Execute NavFormTransformationLocalizer.exe and wait some seconds until it is
- You now have a new file: ".\TransformPages_Localized.xml" which now acts as
new input for the Transformation Tool and in addition can be imported into the
NAV TIF Tool (Setup -> Import Transformation Input -> Transform Pages).
Remember that importing all transformation input still imports the "old"
non-localized version!

Have fun!
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